Fiction Family

Fiction Family - When She's Near from ATO Records on Vimeo.
fiction family is awesome. that's their song "when she's near" watch the vid, click the banner, get the song. kool? sweet.

chatboxx-nesss man.

this is a box, feel free to make it awesome.



uhm, so.

I have not posted in a really long time.
i got bored.
but not to worry!
i am back! for today at least.
remember a while back in my alphabet posts i talked about a guy i liked?
turns out he has returned.
and is better than ever.
its cray-zay.
but enough of that.

im doing a 306.
which means i am taking one picture for every day of the year.
but i started late.
so you should all look at my pictures if you are reading this right now.

haley/tanya/anyone else who reads this:
i have returned.
dont think its gonna turn into a regular thing.
because it probably isnt.


a song.

she was the girl in the window at the mall.
when you talk to her you feel so small.
you think about her all day long.
and that is all.

you want to feel her standing next to you.
its certain that your love for her is true.
these feelings? oh, they're nothing new.
but what to do?

you see her, you've found her!
you wrap your arms around her.
you love her, you surround her.
she hears what you're trying to say.

the moment was very slow and deep.
you visibly swept her off her feet.
she shares your feelings, you can tell.
this is a kiss that you'll keep.

your hand is entangled in hers.
they're impossible to tear apart, you've learned.
her lips just stumble through the words.
but you heard.

you whisper a relply into her ear.
she giggles and she blushes. her happiness is clear.
but then you remember, that when come september,
you'll be leaing for a year.

you seek her, you've found her.
you wrap your arms around her.
you love her, you surround her.
she doesnt get the message this time.

the tears freely are flowing down your cheeks.
you squeeze really hard until she squeaks.
you dont want to tell her the truth.
but this kiss plainly bears the news.

she breaks away and stares into your eyes.
her look is of confusion and surprise
you dont want to tell her any lies
you cannot look as she begins to cry.

you leave her, you've lost her.
you run away from her.
you love her, but cant tell her.
she cant hear what you dont say.


Stealing is not good.

Haley should know.

she stole my idea AND my word!
(not that word.)

i like molly jenson.
she is really pretty.
and has an amazing voice.
i want to be like her someday.

i wrote something today:

i feel like i could make it if i only had a chance,
but im stuck inside the box.
stuck inside the box.

i imagine me on tv screens and stages miles wide.
but im stuck inside the box.
stuck inside the box.

oh, gee.
maybe if i tried a little, i could finally make it out.
maybe if i put in a little effort.
but i am stuck inside the box.
stuck inside the box,
and it has me


hola amigo-gos

i started my 306 today.

rather yesterday.
but i couldnt upload till today.
i like it.
i went to haley's birfday party yesterday.
it was fun.
we went to knotts berry farm.
i got blisters.

now im eating sour candies and listening to erin mccarley.

i do not like taylor swift.
she is a bad combination of my two least favorite genres of music:
country and pop.

i guess that is all i have to say.
bai friendles.


This is for you Ms. Haley Lundberg.

(not what im about to say next, the whole post. ;] )

my brother has big bushy scary eyebrows.
my mom says he needs to pluck them.
my mom also said i should pluck MY eyebrows.
seriously dude.

i have one true blue follower.
tis haley.
its her bday tomorrow.
you should wish her hahhy birfday.
because i said so.
'nuff said.

i yam listening to "the haunting" by anberlin.
tis good.
very good.

i just opened safari.
here's what i dont understand:
why does a windows computer have apple safari on it?

i like safari better.
i dont know.
i just do.
its MY browser now.
with my homepage.
and my bookmarks.
and MY stuff.

AKEE me.
that rhymed.

i yam done with the post for today.
i assure you though,
there will be more on the way.
(that rhymes too!)
baii friendles!