Fiction Family

Fiction Family - When She's Near from ATO Records on Vimeo.
fiction family is awesome. that's their song "when she's near" watch the vid, click the banner, get the song. kool? sweet.

chatboxx-nesss man.

this is a box, feel free to make it awesome.



First off, each section of text corresponds to a line in the picture, just in case you get confused. Hear me out, this may sound weird but if you think about it, everything I'm about to say:
If 3 rights make a left, and left is wrong, then 3 rights equal a wrong.
Now, the opposite concept applies to lefts; if 3 lefts make a right, then wrong is right.
This is the confusing part. If 9 rights make 3 lefts, then that equals 1 right. Or vice versa.
This is even worse, if 27 rights make 9 lefts which is the same as 3 rights, that makes 1 left. Which is wrong. And vice versa.
My friend Emilee can't put a picture in her posts for her blog. She's so stupid. Stupid Emilee.

0 people gave me a dollar.: