Fiction Family

Fiction Family - When She's Near from ATO Records on Vimeo.
fiction family is awesome. that's their song "when she's near" watch the vid, click the banner, get the song. kool? sweet.

chatboxx-nesss man.

this is a box, feel free to make it awesome.


I have the KOOLEST story to tell you!!!!!!!!!!

So, it was the last day at winter camp, and it was SNOWING outside. One of the counselors came up to us and told us we might get SNOWED IN!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can you believe that I almost didn't get to come home? We were waiting sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo long for the bus to come and it was cold! Like, seriously freezing cold. It sucked. I guess that's about it then. Okay. BYE!

0 people gave me a dollar.: