Fiction Family

Fiction Family - When She's Near from ATO Records on Vimeo.
fiction family is awesome. that's their song "when she's near" watch the vid, click the banner, get the song. kool? sweet.

chatboxx-nesss man.

this is a box, feel free to make it awesome.


hands writing

that last post i think is going to be my entry into kelsey's hands writing contest. i feel like i should write something longer though.
im very good at getting distracted. i dont know if its the ADD that might be in me, but i am distracted a lot. especially when im posting and i get sidetracked on LOBH or something. heh. that happens a lot. like just now. HA! :P

so, my bday is coming up (next week friday!) and i bet you know im going to see sf with sara and my dad. and meet them. and they will sign my shoes. it will be epic. that reminds me that i have to make a wishlist. ah. me and my absentminded-ness. heheh. :D (in case you havent noticed, im not good at remembering things)

oh. my. gravity.
im sorry. excuse me.
ZEBRA. oh. my. gravity. parachutes is the best freakin cd in the world. i love all the songs on it with a passion. its non-stop awesomeness from start to finish. i dont think im ready to rise to the fam level with coldplay yet though. for this would require joining a forum, and right now, im just fine with my LOBH friends. they rool-er. i just said ruler. but in an awesome way. bow to my pwnage-ness.

so. that may be about it. for now anyway. i always think of something new to write, but never put it in. oh well. i may just keed talking for all you know. mwahaha. :P
ima go to the bathroom.

ima back.
ima go work on ma bday wish list now.
bai blog!

0 people gave me a dollar.: