Fiction Family

Fiction Family - When She's Near from ATO Records on Vimeo.
fiction family is awesome. that's their song "when she's near" watch the vid, click the banner, get the song. kool? sweet.

chatboxx-nesss man.

this is a box, feel free to make it awesome.


e. i started a post title with an e. (own)

silver sharpies smell VERY bad
headache inducing bad
so bad that they make your stomach feel empty
so im recruiting people to come help me at the fall festival
so far i have janelle, steph, kelli, and maybe ellie, tim, n kaitlin
its all good

pumpkin carving was today
you must see mine

high schoolers are flaky

i will leave you with that
goodday to you SIR!

0 people gave me a dollar.: