Fiction Family

Fiction Family - When She's Near from ATO Records on Vimeo.
fiction family is awesome. that's their song "when she's near" watch the vid, click the banner, get the song. kool? sweet.

chatboxx-nesss man.

this is a box, feel free to make it awesome.


T is for TIYL

that was the only thing i could think of.
of all the words that start with T
i picked an abbreviation
(this is your life)
(thats a switchfoot song)
i finished my works cited article.
adders live in england.
yay snakes!
i almost facted AGAIN.
i am a boardie.
very much so.
my mom is making meringues.
i had to spell check to make sure i spelled that right.
i got lemonade.
i like lemonade

i went from 5th period chruch to
this is bad.
i will now list the reasons why it is bad
1. he was in that class.
2. mr church doesnt make us run a mile and a half.
3. its not wet during 5th so my feet dont get soaked through
4. i dont get to do ultimate frisbee.
i just made a small list.
yay me.
there are 300 spoon straws. O.o
i got creative design as my elective

(on IM)
me: oh gosh
sara: i hate josh
that rhymes also... im good
me: u kno wut u shud?
sara: i shood hate josh?
me: oh gosh.
sara: wat did u mean that i shood?
me: just be good.

me nd sara rhymed.

i think im done with today.
me and kelli gave trevor the blue sparkly ball and the reindeer sparkly ball.
we rock.
im gonna go work on the puzzle.

0 people gave me a dollar.: