Once upon a time there was a goose that laid golden eggs that Jack in the Beanstalk took and climbed the gingerbread house and went down the chimney so he could put the presents in front of the fire then the genie gave him three wishes so he went to his grandmas house but his grandma got eaten by a wolf so he ran up the clock to kiss sleeping beauty and they rode off into the sunset together but unfortunately it was a backdrop so they crashed through it and into a wall and they died then the fairy god mother came and brought them back to life as zombies then the seven dwarfs defeated the zombies and the evil queen gave the dwarf an apple that he ate so they put him on a bed and next morning he woke up and said his back hurt and it felt like he had been sleeping on a rock and the other dwarfs said he had been but he said he thought he had slept on a bunch of mattress piled on top of a pea and the other dwarfs said no so he went to Jack and the Beanstalk and said I wish you were real so Jack went to the island and got eaten by a whale then the nutcracker fought off the rat army with the sugar plum fairy then the sugar plum fairy let Jack out of the whale so he could go to Nineveh and preach the good news but first they went to a Green Day concert but they dissolved into Lake Springfield and the zombie squirrel came out and ate Jack and the Beanstalk then went in the lake and saved Green Day so they got put on the cover of People Magazine
(Look mom! No punctuation!^^)
Fiction Family
Fiction Family - When She's Near from ATO Records on Vimeo. |
![]() |
chatboxx-nesss man.
The Really Long Fairy Tale That Doesn't Make Sense
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Labels: No punctuation at all
I'm a Mean Person
And I accept that the way it is. But I'm starting to question how mean a person I actually am. Which made me think about all the random people who were nice to me without reason. Like when I was on the bus one time; I pulled the cord but it was broken that day and wouldn't make the usual buzzing noise.
So the guy next to me was like, "Do you want me to pull the cord?" I shrugged so he pulled it. Then at the stop he yells, "Little blond coming through!" It was totally embarrassing, but it was a totally random seventh grader that did something nice for me without reason. I would never do that. Never.
The same sort of thing happened on Christmas, I did something to make my new iPod freeze up and I didn't know how to fix it. I went over to ask my dad for help and he couldn't figure out what was wrong. So my cousin came over and told me how to fix it. I wouldn't have ever done that either. I'll also never know if he did that out of the goodness of his heart or something else.
So I've decided that I'm going to try to be a better person. Which for me, might be hard. Unfortunately enough!
are you sure this is the right channel? Nova wrote this @ 11:20 AM 2 people gave me a dollar.
Hello earthlings. We are of an alien race known only as X. We come from planet X and should not be messed with. We are taking over this blog in order to begin our rain of terror. We are the ones who have caused all your pain, the Iraq war, lead in the toys, E. coli in spinach. We are responsible for it all, and if you believe what you're reading, you're a big sucker for fake aliens.
are you sure this is the right channel? Nova wrote this @ 5:47 PM 2 people gave me a dollar.
merry christmas
Merry Christmas to all my peeps out there. WHAT DID Y'ALL GET????? Y'KNOW YOU WANT TO TELL ME!!!!!
By the way, I GOT A NEW iPOD!!!! It's a 8GB nano and it so totally PWNS! I got Uggs and a new duffel bag too. If you're me, you know how much I needed a new one, the one I used to have came with me to my first year of summer camp.
Sorry, spaz moment. Okay, just to remind you, tomorrow may not be Christmas anymore, but you should still spread the holiday cheer. Especially when you're waiting in the lines at stores, gift card in hand. Love y'all!!
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Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelloooooooooooooooooooooo People
Now, I know that a lot of people must have read what I wrote yesterday, and I just want to say, I WILL NEVER EVER POST A NAME OF SOMEONE I KNOW. That includes people from school, my friends, and my crush. SO DON'T ASK.
As you may know, the poll is ending in a few days, so I'm just going to post the results and start taking ideas for new ones. By the way, TOMORROW'S CHRISTMAS EVE!!!! WOOOOOOOOO!!
'Kay, all my energy's gone. What's your new year's resolution? Mine is that there are no more second chances, if I'm going to do something, I'm going to do it right the first time. And I started a YouTube account. Ideas for videos are always welcome!
are you sure this is the right channel? Nova wrote this @ 3:59 PM 0 people gave me a dollar.
You know that guy I like? Well, one of my friends say we don't match. I don't know what to do. I mean, I want to believe her, but then again, I don't care. Or maybe I do. I just don't know! It might be that we're only in sixth grade, and the fact that I don't really want to go out with a guy till I'm in high school. Or maybe I do (again). I'm so confused!!
The other thing is that that same friend is this close to having a boyfriend, and my other friend already does! I think I'm just naturally always left out of things. Which is so friggin' ANNOYING! I just hate being left out of anything. I'm so glad my other other friend doesn't like guys yet. (Doesn't that strike you as odd?)
Then today my first friend told me to expand my horizons. Expand how? I'm shyer then you would think, and it makes me want to scream. You know why I was so happy yesterday? I had had a great week of getting to be friends with my crush. It took all my courage to do that. I don't know if I have any left to use. And if I do, someone should tell me.
are you sure this is the right channel? Nova wrote this @ 6:14 PM 5 people gave me a dollar.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Happy day! Everyone SCREAM!
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I Can't Think of a Title
Kind of running on a tight schedule so this one's going to be short:
I like this one guy a lot. A lot a lot. And it's not that same guy that I asked out. He's a different guy. But the thing is, he basically hates my best friend, and my best friend basically hates him.
He likes someone too. Which makes me worried that he likes someone else, but it also makes me excited because he might like me. I don't even know why I like him! Maybe I do. Do I?
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are you sure this is the right channel? Nova wrote this @ 5:05 PM 2 people gave me a dollar.
Labels: forks
Don't you just sometimes think everyone is against you?
are you sure this is the right channel? Nova wrote this @ 10:27 AM 0 people gave me a dollar.
We Love Rap Music
Wednesday has been cancelled due to lack of interest. So go away.
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Answer me this: what in the hec is irony? `Cause I don't get it. Pathetic, isn't it? I know.
But it still confuses me. Like the concept of the universe being an ever expanding ball of matter, zillions of times bigger than earth. And it's all made up of a gazillion-zillion-million microscopic atoms!
irony's always confused me, but most of the time you here it on T.V., like when I heard it on Spongebob Squarepants. But I don't care. It's not like I really need to know what irony is.
are you sure this is the right channel? Nova wrote this @ 4:57 PM 0 people gave me a dollar.
Blog Evil Blog
So I have this friend and she has a blog too. But it's about the most random things. Well, maybe I should say evil things. Here: www.blogevilblog.blogspot.com It was really sort of crazy.
I think I'm going to give this blog a makeover. =P
are you sure this is the right channel? Nova wrote this @ 11:49 AM 1 people gave me a dollar.
Labels: Evil blogs, makeovers, random things
I asked him out today.
This is exactly how it went down:
My friends and I were walking to the spot where we get picked up. When we got there, I waited for him and his friends. when they got there, I took him aside immediately, tired of my friend clawing at me to ask him. I asked him. He said no, and that was it.
I was so relieved! This whole sticky business was finally done with. But you know what? I actually sort of wanted him to say yes. My other friend who was tired of this too, told me that if I'd asked him earlier, he would have said yes. Whatever. It's not like I wanted to ask him in the first place.
are you sure this is the right channel? Nova wrote this @ 5:03 PM 0 people gave me a dollar.
Labels: Asking guys out, dating, sticky buisness
Artistic Expression
Who's heard of Green Day? I have. And it seems to me that in all of their songs, they make fun of the government, or say it's stupid. Like in Holiday and American Idiot.
In American Idiot, Green Day claims that our nation is controlled by the media, and that's how the government keeps everyone here and convinces other countries that we're the best country in the world.
In Holiday, Billy Joe (I think) talks about nuclear war and things like that. He also talks about killing gays or something like that. Those songs are loud and very confusing.
Green Day's songs include the most judgemental and rebellious of most artistic expression in songs. But then there's the thing about cussing. Both those two Green Day songs have some sort of cuss word in them. And even in James Blunt (which really surprised me, James Blunt is such a wimp)! It sucks for kids who want those songs and can't find clean versions. Like Girlfriend by Avril Lavigne.
My shift key's all sucky today. Just thought I'd share that.
are you sure this is the right channel? Nova wrote this @ 7:15 PM 0 people gave me a dollar.
Labels: Avril Lavigne, Green Day, James Blunt, rebellion
More surprises
Remember that guy I used to like? Well now he likes me! And my friends want me to ask him out because he doesn't want to ask me. But I didn't. And now they're probably going to force me to on Tuesday, and I'm totally freaking out.
Maybe this'll all work out, maybe it won't. I just don't want him to hate me more then he already does. Or did, now that he likes me.
If only I had the courage to ask him!
are you sure this is the right channel? Nova wrote this @ 1:07 PM 0 people gave me a dollar.
Labels: annoying friends, Asking guys out, dating
Today I went walking with my dog and my brothers.
We walked by my old elementary school and guess who was there? The guy I used to like. Which made it crazy strange, because normally, I would think about what would happen if he was there. But this time I didn't.
I think not. Things happen when you least expect them, and this time, I didn't expect it. So coincidence be it not.
But he still made my whole walk strange, and now I wonder, why? If it wasn't a coincidence, it had to have happened for a reason. What was that reason? If only I could ask him, but I can't do that. It's basically social suicide. And I cannot afford that right now. I'm already on shaky ground with my friends for being a butt head. (No comment!)
That still brings me back to my original problem, why was he there? He wasn't there with his best friend, he was there with his older brother's friends.
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Labels: coincidences, dog walking
POLITICS! (for real this time)
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I wasn't made in China and the chain reaction theory
We are so totally dependent on other countries it's scary.
Like China. If China had a great depression like the one back in the 30's, our economy would collapse. We would have nothing at all because most of the stuff we own comes from China. Just take a look at the tag on your favorite shirt, I'll bet you five bucks it says "Made in China" on it. And if it doesn't, it probably has the name of some other over populated country, like Mexico. I bet the other half of all the things you own come from somewhere south of the United States.
Even though most of our food doesn't come from other countries though, in a few years, store will probably start selling kung pao flavored baby food. Hold me on that. And at my school, there serve Asian food for lunch. Which most people eat, but.... I don't know. Maybe I'm wrong.
But my point is, is that we're so dependent on countries like China, if they had a depression, we would all suffer a lot. More than you can even imagine.
are you sure this is the right channel? Nova wrote this @ 6:25 PM 0 people gave me a dollar.
Labels: deressions, inter-dependence
Music: What would we do without it?
I love music.
It's like water for the soul.
Everyday when I come home from school, I listen to the radio or my Ipod. Most of the time I read a book at the same time, and I change the songs around to fit the mood of the story, like if something sad happens, I play a sad song.
And most of the time, songs came make you feel better too. Like fast songs when you're hyper (or high! =P). And when I listen to some songs, I can feel the depth of the feeling the artist was trying to portray, well if the song has any feeling!
And most people play an instrument. I play the saxophone, and it's exciting to play songs I really like and a challenge when I get to play full-page songs. Or when I figure out the tune of a song like "Take You There" by Sean Kingston. That was fun to play.
But most people only play an instrument to get famous, like the huge amount of people who play guitar. Do they really enjoy playing? Or do they think it's cool, and want to be famous like their favorite rock star. Maybe you could point that finger at me too though. I guess I mostly play so I can join the jazz band at my school, then shove it in the faces of all the people who make fun of me and think I'm worthless. But I do enjoy it. That has to count for something, doesn't it?
They also say music soothes the savage beast. Although I don't think that's entirely true, if you say that AC/DC soothes an English teacher. But in some cases it's true. Remember what I said about songs and your mood? You could play a cool, calm song that could, in theory, make you stop jumping around and calm you down. And probably make you less tense. If your mom's in a bad mood, you could just turn on something quiet and calming, like jazz, or something else nice.
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So today I started a health log, to help them lose weight. So far, so good! But I wonder if they'll be able to hold out. My younger brother can't even run properly! Which is bad. Hopefully they can do it.I'll keep you updated on how they do, and as soon as I can, I'll put up the chart.
are you sure this is the right channel? Nova wrote this @ 6:58 PM 0 people gave me a dollar.
Labels: heath logs, overweight brothers
If time is money, what's money?
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