You know what bugs me the most? People who like the Jonas Brothers. I got over Lee Anne liking them, but EVERYONE ELSE!!!!!!!!!!! I can't even believe it. I mean, I have some of their songs on my iPod, but "Kids of the Future" ticked me of. They totally stole that song! Sure, I know that it was legal, and they didn't actually "steal" it, but can't they write their own songs? The other thing is that they're a Disney band. What would make me really happy is if they did something on MTV. But I don't watch MTV, so I wouldn't know. What I'm trying to say is, that they're so kid-oriented. How old are they? They should be writing songs that fit their age better. Look at Fall Out Boy, they made a living about writing about rock and sex. Classic Fall Out Boy. I'm not saying the Jonas Brothers should change, I probably still wouldn't like them, I'm just expressing my reasons for hating them with a passion.
Fiction Family
Fiction Family - When She's Near from ATO Records on Vimeo. |
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chatboxx-nesss man.
I HATE THE JONAS BROTHERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
are you sure this is the right channel? Nova wrote this @ 8:50 PM 4 people gave me a dollar.
So I asked Lee Anne if she would get a myspace. She said no and told me about pengspace. It's like myspace for kids, plus it's safe. (or so they say......) But it's full of posers who try to get everyone to think that they're celebrities. Even if they aren't. That aside, I suggest you join, and add me. By the way, the link up there ^^^ on Lee Anne is her pengspace. Peace out!
are you sure this is the right channel? Nova wrote this @ 7:49 PM 0 people gave me a dollar.
Y'know what bugs me?
When peoplee put doublee letterss at the ends of wordss when they dontt need to be there. I dontt know whyy they do it, andd I'll allways wonder.
Whatt's with all the doublee letters?
are you sure this is the right channel? Nova wrote this @ 7:46 PM 0 people gave me a dollar.
Im bored
Have you noticed how last month, I wanted to have a post for everyday. Now, I've only posted like, once. Weird.
are you sure this is the right channel? Nova wrote this @ 6:55 PM 0 people gave me a dollar.
Have you ever gotten a book at the library just because the guy on the front looks cute? I did. It sounds really stupid. Because it is. The book is really weird though. I'm not going to summarize it, because I'm not done.
I got Riot! the other day too. It's really good. My favorite song off of it is "Let the Flames Begin" It's got really great lyrics.
This is how we'll dance when
When they try to take us down
This is how we'll sing it.
This is how we'll stand when
When they burn our houses down
This is what we'll be, oh glory.
are you sure this is the right channel? Nova wrote this @ 6:00 PM 0 people gave me a dollar.
Bloo bidee blee bloo blah
Got some of my songs! Here's the updated list:
Love Song-Sara Bareilles
Send My Love to the Dance Floor(Hey Mister DJ)-Cobra Starship
The rest of Take This to Your Grave by Fall Out Boy
The Rest of My Life-Less Than Jake
Piece of Me-Britney Spears
New Soul-Yael Naim
Why do I keep telling you guys this?
Yay! My list is shorter.
are you sure this is the right channel? Nova wrote this @ 7:24 PM 0 people gave me a dollar.
That's all I have to say. Blech. Blech blech blech. Blech Blech Blech Blech Blech. I don't know why, but it is.
are you sure this is the right channel? Nova wrote this @ 8:59 PM 0 people gave me a dollar.
This is awesome.
My mom got a job doing accounting for a talent agency. She said that she was sitting next to the desk of this person. This person just happened to be the secretary for the person that handles Avril Lavigne. She didn't even know how to pronounce Avril's name! My mom said that they handle lots of people. She said she saw a check writted to Elen Degeneres. Pretty kool huh? I'm not going to ask for autographs though. That just sounds stupid.
are you sure this is the right channel? Nova wrote this @ 5:57 PM 2 people gave me a dollar.
I have the KOOLEST story to tell you!!!!!!!!!!
So, it was the last day at winter camp, and it was SNOWING outside. One of the counselors came up to us and told us we might get SNOWED IN!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can you believe that I almost didn't get to come home? We were waiting sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo long for the bus to come and it was cold! Like, seriously freezing cold. It sucked. I guess that's about it then. Okay. BYE!
are you sure this is the right channel? Nova wrote this @ 9:18 PM 0 people gave me a dollar.