ANDREW CAN SING!!!! Well, it sure surprised me. But I'm not kidding, he can sing well. Maybe not as good as a certain other person who writes this blog... *cough* me *cough* At least he sings better than Garret. (But from what I hear, it's not very hard to sing better than Garret)
It's kind of kool though, now that Andrew has a hidden talent. To bad he won't share it with anyone.
Fiction Family
Fiction Family - When She's Near from ATO Records on Vimeo. |
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chatboxx-nesss man.
This is so surprising if you know who he is.
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Something is very wrong.
You see, there are few websites that offer blog layouts. Which is bad for me since i barley know any html. It's also bad beacause I CAN'T SWITCHFOOT-IFY MY BLOG!!!!!! *sobs* But maybe, one of you nice people could make me one! That would be so nice! And if you coded it! My gravity, you people are so nice! I love you all!
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Ma new hair! ;]
Cut my hair today! As most of my friends already know, I left early to get it cut, but only because the person that normally does my hair's 3 o'clock was full. So TAKE THAT!!
The Year of the Marlin commercial is in production! LeeAnne is incharge of it and we'll start filming it soon, so keep a look out!
I don't feel like writing anymore, so I'm out! Bye!
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Hey bro, you gonna be at the Bro-Am?
I Am Bro.
A lovely exchange of words between Jon Foreman and his bro Tim. (see podcast #6) Now I want to know, are YOU gonna be at the Bro-Am? I am bro. And I'm bringing Lindsay and Kelli and Stacey (hopefully) with me. The last 2 weeks of school are going to rock!!! Bro-Am on the 7th of June, Panic! at the Disco on the 14th.
That's not all I have to say today though, if you are anyone who is anyone that knows me personally, you know about my movie: Year of the Marlin! I will be filming it over the summer with my dear friend LeeAnne,(who will play Cami) and the rest of the Year of the Marlin cast!
Here is a cast list for those interested.
Sam-Andrew! (lol
If you want some sort of part, I am totally open for new cast members. You must have a name though. I will not accept you without a name!
email me @:
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Happy 4:12 day!
In honor of the Switchfoot's song, 4:12, today is national 4:12 day! Now, you will all listen to 4:12 till your eardrums explode. DO IT NOW!
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MY top 10!
So, me and Stacey were talking about the iTunes top 10, and I decided to put up MY top 10!
1. Beat It (feat. John Mayer) - Fall Out Boy
Oh ya! That song totally rocks! If you haven't heard it yet, it's got the sweetest beat and they played it on New Year's Eve. It's a remake of a Michael Jackson song though, so for those of you that can't stand him, I don't care, 'cause I LOVE THIS SONG!!!
2. Hero/Heroine (Tom Lord-Alge Mix) - Boys Like Girls
This song is absolutley amazing. I found it on Steph's MySpace, and I can't stop listening. It's got an awesome sound. This song is so sweet too! I love the lyrics. Although, "heroine" does sound like a drug. I think it is actually....
3. Misery Buisness (Acoustic) - Paramore
Acoustic songs are just fantastic. In this version of Misery Buisness, you can really hear Hayley Williams amazing voice clearly. Also, she does the same vocal stuff that I do when I sing to the real version, like going down instead of up. Her voice is AMAZING. I love Hayley so much. I actually feel like cutting my hair like her. =P
4. Stars - Switchfoot
I just had to. Just HAD to. Switchfoot is one of my all-time favorite bands, and this is one of my most favorite songs by them. I'm even considering using it in the title sequence of my movie that I'm going to make over the summer. The lyrics are great in this song. It talks about how when he looks in the stars, he feels like himself, a normal, happy person. I also have the acoustic, but this version is so much more energetic and fun. I don't care if stupid Andrew hates Switchfoot!
5. New Soul - Yael Naim
Ya. That's right. I like the song from the MacBook Air commercial!! This song is so nice and happy, and I love her accent. Did you know she's french? But whatever. Stacey says this song is boring! I can't even believe it! This song is fresh, but comparred to all my other songs, is calm and sweet.....
6. No Air - Jordin Sparks & Chris Brown
I don't know why I like this song at all. Just that when I first previewed it on iTunes, I fell in love with it. Stacey fell in love with it too, so I may need to kick it off my list soon! She makes me listen to it every day after school, which can get annoying.
7. Stars (Acoustic) - Switchfoot
I couldn't help it, STARS ROCKS MY SOCKS!!!! It rocks yours too! So.... basically the same as up there, cept this one is more calm.
8. Our Time Now - Plain White T's
The lyrics in this song are so inspiring. "Finally it's our time now" How can you not like that? Well, I do anyway. There is this one weird part of the song though... Tom Higginson has a strange voice!! (and a huge nose!)
9. When the Day Met the Night - Panic! at the Disco
This was off Pretty. Odd. and I knew I had to put at least one Panic! at the Disco song up here. This song is about the day the moon fell in love with the sun, and how her eyes saved his life (in the middle of summer. ;] ) It warms me for some reason. Brenden Whats-his-name has a really neet, distinctive voice.
10. Stop and Stare - OneRepublic
Well, I had to choose something! (jk) This song is... i... don't... really... know... I just like it! That is all the explanation I will give! Ha!
Soooooooooooooooo.... now that I'm finished, I want YOU! Yes, YOU! To give your top 10 favorite songs. You don't have to explain them, I just felt like doing that myself.
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Dance on Sunset 4/5
This time I saw Kaitlin for sure.
5. Don't Stop the Music - Rihanna
4. Girlfriend - Avril Lavinge
3. Beautiful Girls - Sean Kingston
2. Pocketful of Sunshine - Natasha Bedingfield (she performed it live! =O )
1. Stronger - Kanye West (i remembered it! Go me, go me!)
The "fresh squeezed dance" thingy was to Soulja Boy's "Yahhh" If you know nigahiga, then you should go watch "So Damn Stupid"
I have ALL these songs on my iPod. YAY!
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oo! oo! oo!
Sooooooooooooooooooooo, I was at Disneyland on thursday!! For 13 whole hours I might add. But ANYWAY.....
I got the cutest new bag at the Quiksilver store in Downtown Disney! You don't care about that though. So, Kelli, Ellie, William, and Kevin were there. We went on almost all the rides it was so much fun! I had to ride in the front on Splash Mountain. Not a very pleasent experiance if you ask me. All in all, it was the highlight of my springbreak. (Except for maybe getting a Juicy Cotoure jacket! ;] )
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My Rules Of Life.
These are the rules of life. You cannot break them, and if you try to, (and succeed) then I will come after you with a chain saw. (Nightmares now. NIGHTMARES!)
1. If someone says you can't lick your elbow, you will try to lick your elbow. Like you just did now.
2. Coconuts can KILL! If a coconut falls on your head, you are dead. No questions asked.
3. The fire department can't save you if you fall off the world. (Thank my brother for that one.)
4. No matter how much you want to see it, if a movie goes straight to DVD it sucks. Plain and simple. (That's for all you people that want to see the Clique movie.)
Okay then. Guess I'll have more later.
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