go anberlin.
i like panic at the disco
i got prospekts march!
but i put that in my last post...
didnt i?
and kelli-
dont kid yourself. ;]
im a model!
(no im not...)
(no dur.)
am i talking to myself?
(no, you're talking to all the people that read this.)
oh well.
if i do go see bolt,
i will remember the camera.
mark my words!
new default on facebook?
its awesome-ly
i have to go now.
Fiction Family
Fiction Family - When She's Near from ATO Records on Vimeo. |
![]() |
chatboxx-nesss man.
S is for......................... (new) surrender!
are you sure this is the right channel? Nova wrote this @ 11:44 AM 0 people gave me a dollar.
R is for (glass of wate)r
*scream run around in circles*
i have glass of water now.
i am unbelievably hahhy now.
now i need day & age.
i saw it at borders,
and im all,
but i didnt have enough money.
so i didnt.
which is sad.
it might be better to get it on itunes though,
because that one has the music video for human.
i saw twilight today.
it was actually good.
taylor lodner is hawt.
trevor was supposed to come,
but he dissapeared.
we shouldve bought him a sparkly ball to apologize for kinda ditching him.
poor trevor.
gosh i like him.
(not trevor, ew.)
its kind of torcherous.
especially watching kelli fall all over ER during the movie.
(do i smell jealousy?)
but im not jealous of kelli for having ER,
im jealous of kelli for having a boyfriend.
i dont even know how many people that go to my school read my blog.
mostly its just boardies.
i like,
freaked out.
brothers and sisters????????
i had to go on AMAZON to buy that album!
it was crazay.
a coldplay CD that doesnt even exsist on itunes, at borders
and a sucky borders too.
oh wait,
that was the blue room i had to buy on amazon.
my bad.
(your thinking, why didnt i just delete the part about not finding it on amazon?)
im that kind of person,
gosh darnit.
i love me some coldplay!
g'night y'all.
an' have a hahhy thanksgivin'.
are you sure this is the right channel? Nova wrote this @ 9:13 PM 1 people gave me a dollar.
Q is for quail.
the national bird of california.
should i have said hai to him?
are you sure this is the right channel? Nova wrote this @ 6:34 PM 0 people gave me a dollar.
P is for (andrew) phillip shirley
You knew it was coming.
but you thought it would be under "s"
its not.
(under P)
courtesy of Mr. andrew phillip shirley,
esteemed guitarist of the band switchfoot
you just got owned.
i like switchfoot.
no durr.
but WHY?
i have come up with a list of reasons to like switchfoot.
i will come up with at least 100.
mark my words!
why i like switchfoot.
1. they are awesome.
2. Oh! Gravity
3. Nothing is Sound
4. The Beautiful Letdown
5. Learning to Breathe
6. New Way to be Human
7. Legend of Chin
6. Abbot
7. the webcam (the webcam and abbot are the same thing. ;] )
8. Jon Foreman (the person)
9. Jon Foreman (the solo artist)
10. Chad Butler
11. Drew Shirley
12. Jerome Fontamillas
13. Tim Foreman
14. Winter (the EP)
15. Fall (the EP)
16. Spring (the EP)
17. Summer (the EP)
18. Friends of the Foot
19. Sare
20. Kreesta
21. Lee
22. Amylynne
23. Amy
24. Claire
25. Jane
26. Gabby
27,28. Meezle, Beezle
29. Renae
30. Land of Broken Hearts
31. Daily Foot
32. Sean Watkins
33. Fiction Family
34. Rare Songs
35-77. Podcasts 1-36
78. Irvine
79. The Bro-Am
80. Jeanna
81. Sare's hat
82. Christian
83. tour a lot
84. whatever they decided to name the keyboard...
85. Fact:
86. Bootlegs
87. My shoess
88. BOB
89. Music Videos=amazingg
90. Kelsey
91. Tori
92. Sets. ;]
93. Plaid
94. Fedora!
95. Lowercase People
97. Music Builds!
98. Jon Vinyl.
99,100. Switchfoot is so awesome, they get 2 numbers dedicated to their awesomeness.
101. MIKE. (chyea.)
there you have it folks,
the switchfoot post.
now i have to get off.
goodbye friendles.
are you sure this is the right channel? Nova wrote this @ 4:34 PM 1 people gave me a dollar.
O is for oh no! its ELMO!
today i saw 007 with kelli and ER and trevor.
we went to borders.
ER cornered trevor with elmo things.
it was funny.
trevor also met a friend.
and he just HAD to buy the blue sparkly ball.
it was awesomee.
i like anberlin.
and paramore.
and hot n cold by katy perry.
i watched it today.
it was like, the only thing i watched.
they played every episode from cycle 11.
if i hadnt gone to the movies, i would've watched every single episode.
theres something about top model thats addicting.
i was scene today.
i even put my hair up.
but all my layers came out.
so i put my hair down.
but i straghtened it really well.
i liked it.
all i need is eyeliner that wont come off,
and i will be awesome-ly magical.
or magica-ly awesome.
zebra oh my gravity,
i love this song.
the killers ownn.
music is my SOUL.
if only i could play it
[i can sing though. (: ]
that was amazing.
wrap-around shades.
i feel a need to be done.
do i?
i dont know.
i know i feel sick,
thats for sure
[but thats probably because of the rieces pieces.]
i think i really am done now.
i will go play tetris now.
are you sure this is the right channel? Nova wrote this @ 8:54 PM 0 people gave me a dollar.
N is for (i really cant say his name but now you know the guy i like's name starts with an) "N"
arent i just so clever?
but really, if you go to my school, all you have to do is look on my hand.
its got his initials written all over it.
a person wouldnt be so open about liking someone and who they like,
but this whole liking him thing is painful.
i think thats because ive never liked a guy so pasionatley before.
not even andrew.
(which is really saying something)
jealous enemies is good.
its the itunes single of the week
go buy it
its frEEee!
and very good.
i am tired.
i still need to do the SA's
but if i do anything else i will die.
i am so tired.
maybe i should just go to bed.
are you sure this is the right channel? Nova wrote this @ 7:31 PM 0 people gave me a dollar.
M is for maybe just a little bit crazy.
fiction family.
new songs on my ipod.
my nano will not work.
whenever i plug it in,
my itunes will freeze.
i have decided to put all my new songs on my mini.
it is HUGE.
but i dont care.
i want my anberlin songs!
'nuff said.
im tired.
i want to stop typing.
dont you think he would jump at the chance to even be friends with someone like me?
that sounds shallow
maybe its ture.
are you sure this is the right channel? Nova wrote this @ 8:01 PM 0 people gave me a dollar.
L is for (u)ltimate PRS
(paper, rock, scissors)
even though its really
rock, paper, scissors.
stuck in the middle was awesome.
we stayed
it was flippin awesome.
josh weaver band?
kurt johnston?
lit his friends kitchen on fire
james really-long-last-name?
ultimate PRS all the timee.
they're all awesomee.
i wish we'd stayed till today.
on the way home,
we listened to some anberlin CD and TBL.
ive never seen the actual TBL cd.
i have the dual-disc.
i also took pics of light.
and it was dark,
so it was blurry.
what next?
i dont know.
naked brothers band.
lindsay wont answer me.
i dont know.
do you?
if so tell me.
are you sure this is the right channel? Nova wrote this @ 5:20 PM 0 people gave me a dollar.
K is for kangaroo. :D
in pe, we do this warm up thing
where we walk to this place,
then run back.
we do that four times.
i finished first.
i was proud of myself.
i wasnt able to carry out my plan though.
yup yup.
sara will not answer me.
when you are on aim,
you should set your away message if you're not there.
i almost just facted.
i am obviously a boardie.
i feel ok now,
but i wont feel very good later.
the computer does this to me.
i think its the being around friends aspect of it.
and the getting away from my family,
if not physicaly.
flair an awesome app.
so is superpoke.
im going to poke all my friends.
i just superpoked everyone.
i wrote a song yesterday.
its kind of about him,
kind of not.
i like it though.
thats it.
im leaving.
good night everybody!
*waves and walks off stage*
are you sure this is the right channel? Nova wrote this @ 6:06 PM 1 people gave me a dollar.
J is for justification.
i have none.
i dont know why i like him.
at all.
i barely know him.
he is pretty cute.
thats for sure.
but other then that,
i dont know.
save me.
im falling off the world.
catch me?
like i only you can.
you can.
love me.
i need a steady hope.
help me?
like only you can.
you can.
the ground.
rushing up to meet me.
how do you do?
no longer alive.
ressurect me.
dead and dying.
small and crying.
help me live.
hold me.
you hands around my waist.
hug me?
like only you can.
you can.
shelter me.
keep me safe from danger.
gaurd me?
like only you can.
you can.
your love.
reaching out to catch me.
im better know that im here,
with you.
once more alive.
slowly finding.
forever binding.
kept me alive.
be me?
like only you can.
you can.
are you sure this is the right channel? Nova wrote this @ 4:36 PM 0 people gave me a dollar.
from humble beginnings...
this is a post interrupting me string of alphabetical posts.
because, i realize now that i missed the one year anniversary of the starting of this blog.
(last monday, if you care that much. :P)
and now, i will repost thee original post that started it all.
titled: if time is money, whats money?
Hi. Y'know, I thought the weirdest thing yesterday,
Time is a mental barrier we have built for ourselves to prevent us from doing fun stuff, like going to Disneyland. Ex: you ask your parents if you can go to Disneyland, but what do they say? "Sorry, but we don't have enough time." or something like that.
Money is a physical barrier we've built for ourselves too. Like, "Sorry, but we don't have enough money." blah blah blah. Which made me wonder, what if we didn't have time? What if time didn't exist? And money? What about it? That made my head hurt. So I stopped.
But what if we didn't have time? We would still measure months/days/weeks/years but not actually hours. Ther'd be no such thing as 12:45 PM. It just wouldn't exist. We would be able to do anything we wanted because we had time. Or rather, not, because it wouldn't exist. Do you see how backwards this is? Whatever. I'm starting to get head cramps anyway. Just go back to looking at the totally unrelated picture of the dolphin.
originally, the colour of the text in this post was purple, with the word time coloured red and the word money coloured green.
there was also a totally unrelated picture of a dolphin.
if you would like to view the original post, please click here.
wow. pretty formal if you ask me.
(and deep, to some extent)
i would like to post further comment on this post, but i dont want to interupt much into my alphabet.
are you sure this is the right channel? Nova wrote this @ 9:19 PM 0 people gave me a dollar.
I is for igo to japan and (random) IM conversations with andrew nd sara. :P
igo to japan:
and things burst into flames.
i had a really funny conversation with andrew and sara.
(black=IM within an IM)
here it is:
andrew's half
switchfootfn412 (8:43:49 PM): sara is talkin 2 u?
sirdalesalot (8:44:51 PM): mgm
switchfootfn412 (8:44:57 PM): ?
switchfootfn412 (8:45:59 PM): w/e sara says, dont believe her
sirdalesalot (8:45:59 PM): wait r u talkin to me
sirdalesalot (8:46:00 PM): ahhhhhhhhh
switchfootfn412 (8:46:02 PM): i am
sirdalesalot (8:46:04 PM): ooooo
sirdalesalot (8:46:05 PM): ok
sirdalesalot (8:46:11 PM): wat/
sirdalesalot (8:46:13 PM): so ur talkin to me in two boxes
sirdalesalot (8:46:18 PM): ?!
switchfootfn412 (8:46:25 PM): no
switchfootfn412 (8:46:30 PM): sara is pinnstripe333
sirdalesalot (8:46:34 PM): ok shes saying shes u
sirdalesalot (8:46:38 PM): like she at ur house
switchfootfn412 (8:46:41 PM): well shes not
switchfootfn412 (8:46:42 PM): im me
switchfootfn412 (8:46:44 PM): dur.
sirdalesalot (8:46:58 PM): r u at her house?
switchfootfn412 (8:47:00 PM): no
switchfootfn412 (8:47:03 PM): im at my house
sirdalesalot (8:47:05 PM): ok thnx
switchfootfn412 (8:47:05 PM): in pv
switchfootfn412 (8:47:09 PM): shes at her house
switchfootfn412 (8:47:15 PM): in santa monica
sirdalesalot (8:47:20 PM): lol
switchfootfn412 (8:47:24 PM): ahaha
sirdalesalot (8:47:28 PM): [20:47] Pinnstripe333: ....
[20:47] Pinnstripe333: anyway!
[20:47] Pinnstripe333: actually its sara typying
[20:47] Pinnstripe333: but liz telling sara wat 2 types
[20:48] Pinnstripe333: *type
[20:48] sirdalesalot: ok stop the bullsh*t
[20:48] sirdalesalot: im taling to liz now
switchfootfn412 (8:47:42 PM): oh gosh
switchfootfn412 (8:47:44 PM): *dead*
switchfootfn412 (8:47:46 PM): hahahahaha!
switchfootfn412 (8:48:06 PM): wait
switchfootfn412 (8:48:11 PM): u called me liz??
switchfootfn412 (8:48:15 PM): *more dead*
sirdalesalot (8:48:16 PM): mhm
switchfootfn412 (8:48:42 PM): oh gosh
switchfootfn412 (8:50:56 PM): u nd sara r funny
sirdalesalot (8:51:04 PM): o watv
sirdalesalot (8:51:08 PM): o g2g
switchfootfn412 (8:51:10 PM): baii
sirdalesalot (8:51:25 PM): C U ON WEDS
switchfootfn412 (8:51:33 PM): OK
sirdalesalot (8:51:54 PM): lol
switchfootfn412 (8:51:58 PM): heheh
sara's half
Pinnstripe333 (8:42:11 PM): who is sirdalesalot?
switchfootfn412 (8:42:14 PM): andreww
Pinnstripe333 (8:42:25 PM): rilly>
Pinnstripe333 (8:42:28 PM): *?
Pinnstripe333 (8:42:32 PM): o.o
switchfootfn412 (8:42:33 PM): yup
Pinnstripe333 (8:43:35 PM): i pretended i was u
Pinnstripe333 (8:43:39 PM): and then was like
switchfootfn412 (8:43:41 PM): oh gosh
Pinnstripe333 (8:43:41 PM): jk!
Pinnstripe333 (8:43:52 PM): and said i was sara
Pinnstripe333 (8:43:55 PM): and he was like
switchfootfn412 (8:43:57 PM): ahaha
Pinnstripe333 (8:44:02 PM): o.o
Pinnstripe333 (8:45:24 PM): ad im u knw
Pinnstripe333 (8:45:34 PM): pretending that ur @ mi house
switchfootfn412 (8:45:45 PM): but im NOT!
Pinnstripe333 (8:45:47 PM): so if u talk 2 him.... pay along with it
switchfootfn412 (8:45:48 PM):
Pinnstripe333 (8:45:58 PM): idc if ur here or not
switchfootfn412 (8:46:18 PM): i wish i was dere
Pinnstripe333 (8:46:54 PM): same!
Pinnstripe333 (8:46:56 PM): i miss
Pinnstripe333 (8:46:57 PM): u
Pinnstripe333 (8:46:58 PM): so
Pinnstripe333 (8:46:59 PM): spm
Pinnstripe333 (8:47:01 PM): *so
Pinnstripe333 (8:47:01 PM): so
Pinnstripe333 (8:47:02 PM): sos
Pinnstripe333 (8:47:04 PM): *so
Pinnstripe333 (8:47:06 PM): much@!
Pinnstripe333 (8:47:09 PM): *mush!
Pinnstripe333 (8:47:13 PM): **much!
Pinnstripe333 (8:47:19 PM):
switchfootfn412 (8:47:21 PM): i kno!
Pinnstripe333 (8:47:24 PM): alot of typos
switchfootfn412 (8:47:29 PM): i cn c dat
Pinnstripe333 (8:49:16 PM): andrew knws its not u........
switchfootfn412 (8:49:20 PM): i kno
switchfootfn412 (8:49:22 PM): i told him
switchfootfn412 (8:49:27 PM): u guys r hilarious
switchfootfn412 (8:49:42 PM): switchfootfn412 (8:43:49 PM): sara is talkin 2 u?
sirdalesalot (8:44:51 PM): mgm
switchfootfn412 (8:44:57 PM): ?
switchfootfn412 (8:45:59 PM): w/e sara says, dont believe her
sirdalesalot (8:45:59 PM): wait r u talkin to me
sirdalesalot (8:46:00 PM): ahhhhhhhhh
switchfootfn412 (8:50:03 PM): switchfootfn412 (8:46:02 PM): i am
sirdalesalot (8:46:04 PM): ooooo
sirdalesalot (8:46:05 PM): ok
sirdalesalot (8:46:11 PM): wat/
sirdalesalot (8:46:13 PM): so ur talkin to me in two boxes
sirdalesalot (8:46:18 PM): ?!
switchfootfn412 (8:46:25 PM): no
switchfootfn412 (8:46:30 PM): sara is pinnstripe333
Pinnstripe333 (8:50:12 PM): grrrrrrrr!
switchfootfn412 (8:50:13 PM): sirdalesalot (8:46:34 PM): ok shes saying shes u
sirdalesalot (8:46:38 PM): like she at ur house
switchfootfn412 (8:46:41 PM): well shes not
switchfootfn412 (8:46:42 PM): im me
switchfootfn412 (8:46:44 PM): dur.
sirdalesalot (8:46:58 PM): r u at her house?
switchfootfn412 (8:47:00 PM): no
switchfootfn412 (8:47:03 PM): im at my house
switchfootfn412 (8:50:24 PM): sirdalesalot (8:47:05 PM): ok thnx
switchfootfn412 (8:47:05 PM): in pv
switchfootfn412 (8:47:09 PM): shes at her house
switchfootfn412 (8:47:15 PM): in santa monica
sirdalesalot (8:47:20 PM): lol
switchfootfn412 (8:47:24 PM): ahaha
switchfootfn412 (8:50:32 PM): sirdalesalot (8:47:28 PM): [20:47]Pinnstripe333: ....
[20:47] Pinnstripe333: anyway!
[20:47] Pinnstripe333: actually its sara typying
[20:47] Pinnstripe333: but liz telling sara wat 2 types
[20:48] Pinnstripe333: *type
[20:48] sirdalesalot: ok stop the bullsh*t
[20:48] sirdalesalot: im taling to liz now
switchfootfn412 (8:50:48 PM): switchfootfn412 (8:47:42 PM): oh gosh
switchfootfn412 (8:47:44 PM): *dead*
switchfootfn412 (8:47:46 PM): hahahahaha!
switchfootfn412 (8:48:06 PM): wait
switchfootfn412 (8:48:11 PM): u called me liz??
switchfootfn412 (8:48:15 PM): *more dead*
Pinnstripe333 (8:51:20 PM): does he not call u liz?.....
switchfootfn412 (8:51:24 PM): no one does
switchfootfn412 (8:51:27 PM): i don like it
switchfootfn412 (8:51:30 PM): member?
Pinnstripe333 (8:52:16 PM): u just dont like lizzy
Pinnstripe333 (8:52:20 PM): liz is fine
switchfootfn412 (8:52:25 PM): i don like any shortenin of my name
Pinnstripe333 (8:52:27 PM): and i said fine... not gr8
switchfootfn412 (8:52:32 PM): i don rele mind it much anymore
switchfootfn412 (8:52:40 PM): but i like lizabeth the best
Pinnstripe333 (8:52:41 PM): lizabeth is fine 4 u tho
Pinnstripe333 (8:52:51 PM): u typed that 2 fast
switchfootfn412 (8:52:55 PM): no i don
Pinnstripe333 (8:53:00 PM): mine was s pose to go 1st!
i love them both.
tomorrow i get to go to kaitlins housee.
and stephs housee
and then lindsays housee
on tues.
are you sure this is the right channel? Nova wrote this @ 9:06 PM 0 people gave me a dollar.
H is for HAI!
or heya, or hahhy, or hair.
(hairy. :P)
i redisgned my blog.
it is green.
it has a big header.
the header has a pig on it.
yay pigs!
sare is going to make me a bunch or hats for the hat drive at school.
go sare!
im going to get extra credit in laaaawsooon!
i have to take a chirismas card photo today.
i dont like taking photos like that.
the memory card for the camera has been living in the computer.
i finally found the camera
so i returned it to its real home.
its november
and its a four day weekend!
i wanna listen to swallowed in the sea
its a coldplay song i like it.
its what staceys status made me think of.
im watching hannah montanna.
im bored.
emily is making snowflakes.
i kinda want to go downstairs and read maximum ride.
dolly parton is on the tv.
shes mileys aunt
its so weird.
im so random.
are you sure this is the right channel? Nova wrote this @ 9:46 AM 0 people gave me a dollar.
G is for (oh!) gravity
i just noticed the strings in your love is strong.
keith tutt is amazing.
he signed my ticket at irvine.
so did mr. andy barron.
my dad is cleaning the pool.
today i walked alone.
no stacey.
no andrew.
not even jimmy.
i am lonely.
lindsay texted me,
but its not the same as being there physically.
stacey's being so difficult!
cant she realize what this is doing to me?
she must not really care if she chooses to leave me at the drop of a hat.
oh no.
we didnt spend the last year together.
i didnt spend the last year going through all of it with her.
you cant just erase the past.
i should know.
this is the second time ive been abandoned.
this one was more subtle though.
all it took to send it over the edge was one conversation.
this is painful.
a four day weekend
might help.
i have to go.
maybe while im gone,
i will learn how to die.
jon foreman
are you sure this is the right channel? Nova wrote this @ 4:43 PM 0 people gave me a dollar.
F is for frrrrrrrrIED! bzz-zap
my blog needs to go through another name change.
the thing is, i dont know song to pull the lyric from
i might take it from thats not my name by the ting tings.
theres some good stuff in there
or the unwinding cable car by anberlin
that one is excellant
maybe from one of jons new songs,
over the river and broken from the start
maybe ill just ask stacey.
shes a deep one
a quote, maybe?
i dont know.
on to other things!
according to mrs. lawsons 3rd period class,
teresa took my switchfoot sticker.
i dont like her.
not at all
she is my mortal enemy.
i almost want to start a locker-sticker revolution.
be all,
"fight the power!"
but i've never really fought anything
much less "the power"
oh well.
the point is:
i dont like teresa
and my locker now contains one less sticker on the front.
i got a 95 on my story
and a hundred on my science test
i got a tinsle-y gold thing that made my feel like jesus and ceasar (acoustic) at the same time at refuge
now for a list of things that make me happy.
1. God
2. refuge
3. kelli
4. stacey, when she's not yelling at me
5,6,7,8,9,10. miya, mandy, brooke, amy, linda, and rocky
11. when my voice is pretty
12. when the song is the perfect pitch
13. the picture jess took of me and jon at irvine
14. my switchfoot signed shoes
15. looking at my signed shoes
16. my school friend signed shoes
17. writing stuff on the rubber of my school friend signed shoes.
18. andrew
19. sara
20,21. talking to andrew and sara
22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29. sare, lee, kreesta, jess, claire, gabby, surfy, amy
30. http://www.landofbrokenhearts.org/
31. kelsey's funny conversations in the funny conversations thread
32. feeling happy.
33. cheese
34. the song great dj
35. when emily does something funny
36. walking to where i get picked up with stacey and andrew
37. lindsay
38. going to lindsays house
39. playing rockband
40. when my hair looks pretty
41. getting to stay up late
42,43,44. house, malcom in the middle,the simpsons
45. getting to school early enough that i can talk to my friends
46. corn dogs
47. switchfoot
48. coldplay
49. getting to hangout without parents
50. the bag sare made me
51. when my handwriting is neat and pretty
52. getting comments
53. :D
54. flair
55. kidnap
56. facebook
57. when i take good pictures
58. all my articles of switchfoot and switchfoot related clothing
59. the jeans with the hole
60. the number 24
61. the number 412
62. catching when its 4:12 without my ipod
63. waking up and not feeling tired
64. crayons
65. markers
66. coloured pencils
67. spelling things the british way
68. spelling things fuh-ne-tick-lee
69. flamingoes
70. a platypus?
71. PERRY the platypus!?!?!
72. dr. doofenshmirtz
73. phineas and ferb
74. dancing and singing really loud
75. texting people
76. my ipod
77. remembering something i forgot
that is the end of my list
i dont feel good right now
lindsay is annoying
goodnight blog.
are you sure this is the right channel? Nova wrote this @ 6:35 PM 1 people gave me a dollar.
E is for ex-ploh-zhee-awn.(say that with the heaviest french accent you can.)
i posted 4 comments on sare's blog.
but only because she posted for on mine
and because im nice.
she posted 2 today.
so now i must return the favor
i just played with my superpoke pet.
if you have facebook, go get a superpoke pet.
i have to go to refuge now.
are you sure this is the right channel? Nova wrote this @ 6:09 PM 1 people gave me a dollar.
D is for dam. (the one with water. ;] )
but did you expect nothing less?
i love sare
for several reasons
i also love the book Glass
i love the movie Little Miss Sunshine
best movie ever.
speaking of best,
the best yet came out today
im not buying it today
hopefully i get the christmas package instead.
i went to the pancake house on sunday
with my g-ma from ari-zona
it was so good!
jackson saw me there.
lindsay was sick today
so i didnt get to go to her house.
that makes me sad
i have been hanging out with kelli more and more
and stacey less and less.
it might have to do with staceys total obbsesion with delaney.
delaney, danny, and thomas.
where am i?
i dont know.
i need to ask if she still trusts me
because from where i stand,
she doesnt.
it makes me sad.
last year,
she told me everything
and im the one who went through most of it with her
way more then anyone else.
am i missing a new stage in her life?
she was helping me with this grafik the other day.
i need to finish it and put it up in the free sig thread.
oh how i long for more ideas.
theres only so many places you can go
nothing but the local DJ
you said, he had some songs to play
what went down from this fooling around?
gave hope and a brand new day.
Great DJ ! the Ting Tings
exclamation point. live it. ;]
are you sure this is the right channel? Nova wrote this @ 4:53 PM 2 people gave me a dollar.
C is for crazaaay!
omgravity halloween
"you wanna go sit on the roof?"
"omg ive always wanted to sit on a roof!"
omgravity rain
"its truly ligitimatley raining"
yesterday owned.
it owned more than your halloween.
i can tell you that for sure
what i cant tell you for sure is whether or not it will rain again.
hopefully it does.
i was going to say something.
then i completley forgot what it was.
oh ya.
i remembered.
i wanna be a cheese taster when i grow up.
staceys going to call me crazy.
but being payed to taste cheese?
i love cheese.
are you sure this is the right channel? Nova wrote this @ 8:48 PM 1 people gave me a dollar.