Fiction Family

Fiction Family - When She's Near from ATO Records on Vimeo.
fiction family is awesome. that's their song "when she's near" watch the vid, click the banner, get the song. kool? sweet.

chatboxx-nesss man.

this is a box, feel free to make it awesome.



uhm, so.

I have not posted in a really long time.
i got bored.
but not to worry!
i am back! for today at least.
remember a while back in my alphabet posts i talked about a guy i liked?
turns out he has returned.
and is better than ever.
its cray-zay.
but enough of that.

im doing a 306.
which means i am taking one picture for every day of the year.
but i started late.
so you should all look at my pictures if you are reading this right now.

haley/tanya/anyone else who reads this:
i have returned.
dont think its gonna turn into a regular thing.
because it probably isnt.